What is Trusted Therapists?

It's a free, non-profit, user friendly website which aims to make it easier for people to find help from a curated list of trusted therapists created by a network of qualified practitioners.

How does it work?

I ask therapists I trust to recommend other therapists to me, who will then - if they’re willing - give me their recommendations. I keep repeating this process to keep adding people to the list. I started this project by approaching two therapists I trust (my own, and the one who recommended them to me).

Why am I doing this?

With the lack of regulations and qualifications required for starting a practice here in India, finding a reliable therapist is difficult. I’ve known too many people who’ve had invalidating experiences that - unfortunately - put them off from the idea of receiving help, when it is out there.

When will this be ready?

When... it’s ready.

It’s a one-man project (which I’m juggling alongside my day job). I’m currently working closely with the network of therapists I’ve built so far to create something that is comprehensive and leaves no stone unturned.

About Me

My name is Valmik. I’m a software developer / tech-geek who is passionate about mental health awareness. Trusted Therapists is my attempt at helping people finding the help they need from sources that are fully equipped and capable of providing it.

Contact Me

Please feel free to get in touch with me by filling out the form below if you have any questions / thoughts / suggestions.